Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 2, 2016

A: I am going to get the meat loaf.
B: Get anything but the meat loaf.
A: What's wrong with the meat loaf?
B: I got food poisoning when I ordered meat loaf here.
A: Thanks for telling me.
B: No problem. I'm going to get the egg rolls.
A: I'm still going to get the meat loaf.
B: Did you not hear what I said?
A: I did, but I'll take the risk.
B: Don't say I didn't warn you.
A: Don't worry, I won't.
B: Have fun throwing up later.

3. "Food"

He is off his food (= he does not want to eat anything.)
Food poisoning= foodborne illness = foodborne disease = foodborne infection
Convenience food
Slow food
Fast food
Functional food = nutraceutical
Health food
Junk food
Wholefood; (Plural: wholefoods)
• Eat plenty of wholefoods such as wholemeal bread, brown rice, nuts and pulses.
• a wholefood restaurant
Food for thought
•The programme certainly provides plenty of food for thought.
Food chain;   foodless: go foodless;
Food bank;   foodie = foody;   foodstuff;   food court

Nguồn : Sưu Tầm
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Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 2, 2016

Rất nhiều người quan tâm là làm sao chúng ta có thể đạt đến trình độ nói và viết tiếng Anh mà không cần phải dịch trong đầu từ tiếng Việt. Làm thế nào để vượt qua?

Tôi nhớ lại câu chuyện của anh bạn tôi, giúp cho một sinh viên từ Việt Nam sang Mỹ du học. Cô sinh viên này phải viết một personal statement, một bài luận nói về chính mình khi nộp đơn vào trường. Khi nhận được email với bài luận từ Việt Nam gởi sang, có khá nhiều lỗi, nhưng có câu anh bạn tôi đọc mà không hiểu. Cô ta viết thế này, “If you try hard, you will become a needle one day.” Dịch sát chữ: “Nếu bạn cố gắng, một ngày nào đó sẽ thành chiếc kim khâu.” À thì ra “Có công mài sắc có ngày nên kim.”

Khi còn học ESL ở Houston, có lần thầy giáo writing viết vào bài làm của tôi mấy chữ to tướng “Do not translate from Vietnamese! – Không được dịch từ tiếng Việt.” Chả là khi viết bài tả về những thiếu nữ, tôi nói tuổi 15 là tuổi đẹp, tuổi trăng tròn – full moon age. Tiếng Anh có từ trăng tròn – full moon, nhưng không có tuổi trăng tròn, nên thầy giáo không hiểu.

Khi suy nghĩ để có ý tưởng, chúng ta có thể tư duy bằng tiếng Việt hay tiếng gì tùy ý, nhưng khi viết tiếng Anh, nên cẩn thận và cố gắng diễn đạt theo cách nói của tiếng Anh, đừng dịch. Một thói quen trong cách viết văn của người Việt Nam là hay trích ca dao, thơ, câu nói của những người nổi tiếng để làm cho bài văn của mình có trọng lượng hơn. Người Mỹ khi viết văn, phần lớn họ sử dụng chính ngôn ngữ do họ viết ra, ít khi trích dẫn (trừ những bài nghiên cứu chuyên môn). Vả lại, chúng ta đâu phải là những chuyên viên để có thể dịch thơ hay tục ngữ ca dao từ Việt sang Anh dễ dàng đâu.

Khi nói cũng thế, đừng dịch. Cũng là một kinh nghiệm tôi học được khi mới sang Mỹ. Đi làm chỗ nào người ta cũng hỏi địa chỉ và số điện thoại bằng tiếng Anh trong khi đó tôi gần như đã tạm nhớ khi nói bằng tiếng Việt. Mỗi lần người ta hỏi, tôi có cảm giác sợ vì vừa nói vừa dịch nó từ Việt sang Anh, mất giờ, và đôi khi làm cho những người nghe cảm thấy chán và bực mình. Còn ngượng ngịu hơn nữa khi đọc trôi chảy số điện thoại bằng tiếng Anh rồi thì lại loạng quạng khi đọc nó bằng tiếng Việt, thậm chí dịch ngược lại từ Anh sang Việt.

Có thể nói, nếu người nói tiếng Anh mà cứ dịch từ tiếng Việt, không bao giờ khá được. Nhiều câu nói tiếng Việt thấy quá thường, nhưng khi dịch sang tiếng Anh lại vô cùng khó. Tôi có người bà con làm thông dịch tiếng Việt tại tòa án ở Los Angeles, một hôm, có một bà thuộc loại đanh đá kiện một ông hàng xóm về tội quấy rối cuộc sống của bà ta. Bà nói với quan tòa: “Cái thằng này, đồ chết trôi! Cái thứ đầu trâu mặt ngựa! Cái thứ ma chê quỷ hờn. Trời đánh chết con đ… mẹ mày đi!” Chị ta cứ trợn mắt lên, không dịch nổi. Thật ra chỉ cần dịch “He is a bad guy – Anh này là người xấu” là được. Một chữ khác người Việt rất hay dùng là “nhõng nhẽo”, khó dịch sang tiếng Anh vô cùng. Chữ nhõng nhẽo trong tiếng Việt đâu chỉ áp dụng cho trẻ con, mà mọi lứa tuổi đều dùng được, cả nghĩa xấu lẫn nghĩa tốt. Thế rồi dịch làm sao? Tôi kiểm tra nhiều từ điển và hỏi nhiều người Việt tại Mỹ và giải thích cho người Mỹ để tìm từ tương đương, nhưng đành chịu thua. Tôi hay nói với mấy đứa nhỏ Việt Nam sinh tại Mỹ, “You are nhong nheo.” Chúng nó hiểu.

Theo kinh nghiệm học nói tiếng Anh của tôi, tôi nghĩ, nên học theo tình huống ứng xử của người nói tiếng Anh, cũng đừng suy nghĩ phải ráp “S + V + Object…” rất tốn thời gian và làm cho chúng ta mất tự tin khi nói. Nên học thuộc nhiều mẫu câu và cụm từ là thượng sách. Nó sẽ giúp bạn nói trôi chảy hơn nhiều so với ráp câu. Ví dụ, chúng ta muốn nói một câu trong tình huống “Quá… tôi không thể… – It is too… for me to…” Nóng quá, tôi không uống được – It is too hot for me to drink. 

Nặng quá, tôi không xách được – It is too heavy for me to carry. Lạnh quá, tôi không ra ngoài được – It is too cold for me to go out.” Khi mới học thuộc mẫu câu nào, cố gắng đem nó ra áp dụng.
Nhiều học sinh Việt Nam du học tại Mỹ, trong lớp ít phát biểu là vì vừa nói vừa dịch. Bao giờ thoát ra khỏi dịch nghĩa từ tiếng Việt, bấy giờ chúng ta tiến rất nhanh. Trong khi đó, cách học ở Mỹ mở ra cho các học sinh quốc tế nhiều cơ hội để nói. Một buổi học thầy cô giảng không bao nhiêu, phần lớn thời gian dành cho các học sinh bàn luận. Khi thì bàn luận theo nhóm, lúc thì phát biểu từng cá nhân. Nếu chúng ta nói cứ ấm ớ, đó là một trở ngại rất lớn cho việc tiến thân trên con đường học vấn tại Mỹ.

Nguồn : Sưu Tầm

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2. "Appointment" & Small talk

• have an appointment
• make an appointment
• an appointment to do something
• book an appointment  (British English)
• schedule an appointment  (American English)  (=make an appointment)
• cancel an appointment
• miss an appointment
• keep an appointment (=go to an appointment you have arranged)
doctor's/dentist's/dental appointment
by appointment (only) (= only if you make an appointment in advance)

appointment with

She has an appointment with a client at 10.30.
You should phone his secretary if you want to make an appointment.
I have an appointment to see the doctor.
Please give us plenty of notice if you have to cancel an appointment.
For the third time in a row, she had failed to keep her appointment.
I was already forty-five minutes late for a dental appointment.
All consultations are by appointment only.
Small talk

A: Does this hat match my suit?
B: Well, it's the same color.
A: That's good enough for me.
B: Are you going to a dinner party?
A: No, I'm going to a job interview.
B: Then maybe you should wear a tie.
A: That's a good idea.
B: Also, I would not wear the hat if I were you.
A: Why not? It matches well.
B: You look like a mobster from the movies!
A: Don't hats make you look more professional?
B: Only if you're applying to be a hit-man.

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lesson 33: Talking About Daily Activities

Basic patterns:
we are you going?
what are you doing now?
 I don't have to shave everyday
 I usually take too long eating breakfast 
if I don't eat breakfast then I don't have enough energy during the day 
I've got to go brush my teeth 
i dont have time to take a shower now 
I never have time for lunch at work
 every day I have to drive forty minutes to work
 did the mail come today ?
have you seen today's paper ?
i watch the news every night 
I like to exercise in the morning
most nights I just go out to eat 
did you take the dog for a walk?
 did you have a good day at work?

Dialogue 1:
where are you going ?
i'm going to the store, I need to buy some new razor blades 
at this hour,  it's almost midnight 
I know but I have a job interview tomorrow, I'm out of sharp razors 
I guess you don't want to make a bad impression with a bad shave
 exactly to be honest I hate shaving everyday 
I can't sympathize I don't have to shave everyday
some guys don't, they're lucky, I have to or start to look at a bear 
maybe you should let yourself look like a bear
very funny ,what kind of job or girlfriend when I get then
 that's true but then he wouldn't have to shave everyday 
some things are worth the trouble 
as long as you're happy I'm happy anyway you'd better go before the store closes 
right I'll be back in a little bit

Dialogue 2:
look at the time, it's five minutes past nine 
I guess I'm late for work again 
I hate to ask but why are you late so often?
 if you must know it's because of i usually take too long eating breakfast 
really I almost never eat breakfast especially during the week 
I don't see how you do that I have to eat breakfast every day 
why is it a habit for you 
No, if I don't eat breakfast then I don't have enough energy during the day 
I guess I'm lucky that I don't have that problem 
yes you do, do you notice how tired you get later in the morning ?
that's what I drink coffee to wake me up 
that works but its artificial you're not really getting any real energy
 maybe but I'm not late for work either
work is not the most important part of life
 it is for me I should say that breakfast is a daily habit for you and coffee is a daily habit for me
 breakfast is not a habit, it's a healthy way to live
I'd love to talk about this more, but I got to get back to work, we can talk more over coffee later

Dialogue 3
did you check your email today?
 no i didn't have time. why ?
our friend Steve just got a new job in Chicago
 that's great by the way do you check your email every day?
 every morning and night , it's a habit , I like to stay informed 
what are you afraid of missing , I doubt your life is that exciting
 very funny I'm already on the Internet, why not take an extra minute to look for new email ?
I don't because half of my email is just advertisements. its garbage 
mind too but I still like to know what's going on
well then I can count on you to tell me what's happening with their friends
don't worry I won't let you down on that job 
I know that's what I think is so funny

Dialogue 4
I thought I saw you out running this morning 
you probably did , I was out jogging 
that's good you go every morning 
I tried to unless the weather is bad or I'm not feeling well 
really I never feel well if that means jogging in Sunrise
does that mean you don't enjoy running
 it certainly does especially so early 
I understand that, it is hard to get out of bed in the morning a lot of times 
and why you do it
 it's become a habit, I don't feel wake in the morning unless I go running first 
I guess I could see how that might be true but I'd rather get a bit more sleep 
I have to get up out of bed and start to get dressed before I can think about it 
you don't goes off and you get up immediately
yes immediately, otherwise i realize how tired I feel and just fall back asleep
what about when it's cold in the morning 
like any other activity I just wear warmer clothes
 I guess that makes sense 
maybe you should come with me sometime
maybe not you have fun I'll sleep late

Dialogue 5
what are you doing now ?
I'm going home to water my plants
 do you have to do that every day ?
of course don't you need water every day?
 I hadn't thought of it like that 
do you have to do anything else to take care of them ?
not really I just have to give them plenty of sunlight and some plant food 
that's not too much work but isn't it hard to do it every day?
 sometimes it's not convenient that it's easier than taking care of a child
 what does that have to do with the subject?
one day I wanted child if I can take care of a plant how can I take care of a child 
so the plant is just practice for raising a child
no not really it's just something I tell myself in order to be responsible 
I see well I better not keep you from your plants 
you can come with me and see what I have to do 
okay this could be fun maybe I'll learn something to 
maybe so, let's go

Substitution drills

 1. I'm out of sharp razors 
I need some sharp razors 
I don't have any sharp razors 
I lack sharp razors 

2. I guess you don't want to make a bad impression with a bad shave 
I guess you don't want to give a bad impression with a bad shave 
I guess you don't want to create a bad impression with a bad shave 
I guess you don't want to leave a bad impression with a bad shave

3 to be honest I hate shaving everyday 
to be truthful I hate shaving everyday
 to tell the truth I hate shaving everyday 
honestly I hate shaving everyday 

4. that's when I drink coffee to wake me up 
that's when I drink coffee to stir me
 that's when I drink coffee to rouse me 
that's when I drink coffee to get me going 

5. you're not really getting any real energy 
you're not really getting any genuine energy
 you're not really getting any actual energy 
you're not really getting any natural energy 

6. work is not the most important part of life
work is not the most important part of existence 
work is not the most important part of being alive
work is not the most important part of who you are

7.  I like to stay informed 
I like to stay up to date 
I like to stay on top of things 
I like to stay knowledgeable 

8. I doubt your life is that exciting 
I don't think your life is that exciting 
I am Not sure your life is that exciting 
I don't believe your life is that exciting 

9. if I'm already on the Internet why not take an extra minute to look for new email 
if I'm already on the Internet why not spend an extra minute to look for new email 
if I'm already on the Internet why not use an extra minute to look for new email 
if I'm already on the Internet why not stay on an extra minute to look for new email

10. I try to unless the weather is bad or I'm not feeling well 
I tried to unless the weather is bad or I'm sick 
I try to unless the weather is bad or I'm ill 
I try to unless the weather is bad or I'm feeling bad 

11. I never feel well if that means jogging at sunrise
 I never feel well if that means jogging at sun-up
 I never feel well if that means jogging at dawn 
I never feel well if that means jogging in the morning

12.  I'll realize how tired I feel and just fall back asleep
 I'll realize how tired I feel and just get back in bed 
I'll realize how tired I feel and just go back to sleep
 I'll realize how tired I feel and just lay back down

13. I'm going home to water my plants 
I'm going home to feed my plants 
I'm going home to take care of my plants 
I'm going home to check on my plants 

14. sometimes it's not convenient but it's easier than taking care of a child
sometimes it's not practical but it's easier than taking care of a child
sometimes it's inconvenient but it's easier than taking care of a child
sometimes it's a burden but it's easier than taking care of a child

15. so the plant is just practice for raising a child 
so the plan is just preparation for raising a child 
so the plan is just a warm-up for raising a child 
so the plan is just a trial run for raising a child

electronic mail or email has changed much about the way of the world works 
in less than a decade it has become almost as common as the telephone in many areas
 in fact it is cheaper in making a long distance call 
furthermore it enables people to send more than just words 
they can also send pictures songs and even movies 
some critics warn that emails cause poor writing skills 
people usually do not make an effort to have their emails use correct grammar as they
do with letters 
also emails are easy to misunderstand without someone available to explain them 
to prevent any misunderstandings some people use little symbols that represent emotions in their emails 
this way the reader can know what the speaker was trying to say and how they meant to say it

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Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 2, 2016

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Basic patterns 
I need to make an appointment
how about sometime next week ?
that should be fine
 I'll set it up
 I wanted to set up a time to meet with you
 when would be a good time to get together? 
are you free later this week ?
when can I talk to you ?
what are you doing next Thursday ?
do you want to talk about this some other time ?
I want to make a reservation for next Friday 
I can come in tomorrow
 can you come in the afternoon ?
do you have any times available this week
 when is your next opening?

Dialogue 1:
can i help you?
yes, is this doctor fred's office?
 it is, is there something I can help you with?
yes I need to make an appointment
well let me see when the doctors available
 this is just a routine check up, it's not urgent 
how about sometime next week ?
that should be fine
 I got an opening on Wednesday and Thursday, both are in the afternoon 
Thursday should be good 
ok I'll set it up
 I have one more question
do I need to bring any medical records ?
that might be helpful
alright I'll be here next week

hello, can I help you ?
yes I wanted to get a quick trim
 I'm sorry we're full today
would you like to come back another time ?
that would be nice
 I recommend that you make an appointment 
what days do you have available?
would you like to come in tomorrow?
 yes I would like that very much 
we have two times open 2:30 and 4:30 in the afternoon
 I prefer the 4:30 time 
ok I'll write that down here, try to come a little early
is there anything else I need to know?
 yes here is your appointment card, bring that with you when you come in 
great I guess I'll see you tomorrow 
see you then, have a nice day bye bye

Dialogue 3:
hi there, what can I do for you?
 yes I just needed to know about my car and maybe a new battery 
what kind of car is it?
It is 1998 Volkswagen Jetta 
how long have you had a battery in it ?
I had the current battery for about three years
yes it's time to get a new battery 
alright then can I get that done here
yes but we're full today 
you'll have to come back another time 
ok and I make an appointment for tomorrow
sure what time do you want come in?
anytime in the afternoon would be fine
how about 3 o'clock?
 that would be great, i 'll see you then

Dialogue 4:
hello Mr Taylor . can I ask you a favor?
sure , can. what do you need?
 I had some questions about our class there are some things that I'm having trouble with 
like what for example 
it's kind of complicated I wanted to set up a time to meet with you
 I see, when would you like to meet ?
any afternoon this week 
I'm teaching most afternoons, how about Friday?
Friday afternoon is good for me
well then, shall we meet at four o'clock ?
yes that sounds good, where shall we meet?
just in the student center 
ok I'll see you then 
i'll see you then can

dialogue 5:
Hello, is this doctor cooper's office?
 yes it is, what can I do for you?
 my dog needs some shots
 we can do that here, what kind of dog do you have ?
He is a German Shepherd, he is about a year old
what day would you like to come in?
 sometime early next week would be best for me
 how about next Tuesday morning 
that would be fine 
I'll just need some information, fill out this form please 
do you have a pen 
there's one on the desk
have you been here before?
No, a friend recommended this place to me 
in that case you may want to sign up for a new customer plan 
yes they see that on the form here I think I will sign up for that plan
 just let me know when you're finished

Substitution Drills:
1. is there something I can help you with ?
=>is there something I can aid you with?
=> is there something I can assist you with
=> is there something I can be of assistance with

2.  I need to make an appointment
=>  I need to set up an appointment
=>  I need to arrange an appointment 
=> I need to schedule an appointment

3.  it's not urgent
=>  it's not necessary
=>  it's not critical 
=> it's not important 

4. well let me see when the doctor is available
=> well let me see when the doctor is ready
=> well let me see when the doctor is in
=> well let me see when the doctor is here

5. this is just a routine check up
=> this is just an ordinary checkup 
=> this is just a regular checkup 
=> this is just a basic checkup 

6. I wanted to get a quick trim 
=> I wanted to get a quick haircut 
=> I wanted to get a quick shave 
=> I wanted to get a quick cut 

7.  I recommend that you make an appointment 
=> I suggest that you make an appointment 
=> i advise that you make an appointment 
=> I propose that you make an appointment 

8. yes I just need a tune up on my car and maybe a new battery 
=> yes I just need tune up on my truck and maybe a new battery 
=> yes I just need a tune up on my van and maybe a new battery 
=> yes I just need a tune up on my motorcycle and maybe a new battery 

9. yes but we're full today
=>  yes but we're busy today
=> yes but we are closed today
=> yes but we're shut down today 

10 there are some things that I am having trouble with 
=> there are some things that I am having difficulties with 
=> there are some  things that I am having problems with 
=> there are some things that I am having concerns with 

11. I wanted to set up a time to meet with you 
=> I wanted to set up a date to meet with you 
=> I wanted to set up a way to meet with you 
=> I wanted to set up a chance to meet with you 

12. bring that with you when you come in
=> carry that with you when you come in
=> have that with you when you come in
=> keep that with you when you come in

13. what kind of dog do you have ?
=> what type of dog do you have ?
=> what breed of dog do you have ?
=> what variety of dog do you have ?

14. my dog needs some shots 
=> my dog needs some injections 
=> my dog needs some medicine 
=> my dog needs some attention

15. I think I will sign up for that plan 
=> I think I will register for that plan 
=> I think I will join that plan 
=> I think I will consider that plan

veterinarians are doctors for animals
 some work with farm animals and theirmain customers are farmers 
others work with special animals such as racing horses or military dogs
 a few even work with wild animals
 like other doctors most veterinarians focus on some part of medical care 
most veterinarians work with domestic pets 
and animal has medical needs throughout its life 
when very young it is important to get certain injections to prevent some diseases 
it is also quite common to operate on the animal to make it unable to breed 
as the animal gets older it also needs more care just like people 
accidents of course may also occur and these are also treated by veterinarians
Gandhi once said that a nation can be judged by how its animals are treated
many Americans would agree with that statement

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Basic patterns

Thank you for calling Joe's pizza
Is that I V ?
This is professor Smith 
I'll call you tomorrow 
To whom am i speaking?
whom am I talking to?
How can I direct your call ?
You got the wrong number 
what number is this ?
who do you want to talk to?
 he isn't here right now 
can I have him call you back?
can I call you back later ?
what number can I reach you at?

Dialogue 1:
Thank you for calling Joe's pizza, how may I help you ?
Yes, can I place an order for delivery?
yes, you may, go right ahead
I'd like two medium pizzas both with olives and ham
is that all?
I'd also like a two liter bottle of coke
would  you like any bread sticks?
Sure, that will be fine 
Your total comes to $17.80, can I have your address?
1480 poplar Dr, how long will it take ?
It should be there within 45 minutes 
Thank you for calling Joe's goodnight

Dialogue 2
Yes, is that I V?  this is professor Smith 
Oh hi professor, this is a  surprise
 I just called to see if you wanted to come over for dinner this Saturday night 
Really I'd love to, what's the reason ?
I'm just having a few students over for dinner since it is the end of the year 
What a great idea, it's just to celebrate the end of the school year
Yes I do this every year for some of my students 
Great, should I bring anything?
No just bring yourself.
Ok what time should I be there ?
Come here around seven o'clock, do you know how to get here? 
I think so it's just north of the school, right?
Yes that's right. I'll see you then

Dialogue 3:
 Jane. It is Dad
oh hi dad, what are you doing?
 I just thought I'd call to see how you're doing?
I'm doing ok but I can't talk long right now 
I'm sorry is this not a good time
I'm just about to go out with some friends to dinner 
it's good to hear you're making friends 
i know i'm really happy here 
When will the time to call back ?
just call me about this time tomorrow I should be here
ok I'll do that have fun tonight 
I will it was good to hear from you
Ok I'll call you tomorrow I love you
Love you too dad bye

Dialogue 4: 
Yes, are you the guy selling his car?
yeah I am, my name's edmund 
my name's Alfred I saw your advertisement in the paper
alright so you want to buy the car 
well I'd like to take a look at it. it's a1978 Corvette, right?
that's right it's in good shape I just put the brakes on it
How much are you asking for it?
I was looking for $18,000 we can talk about that 
okay, do you mind if I come over and take a look?
sure no problem. what time is good for you?
tomorrow evening is that good for you?
I should be back from work by six. do you know where King Street is ?
yeah it's right behind the stadium 
that's right just go to the end of the street. last house on your left
great I'll see you then

Dialogue 5:
this is 911 emergency, how may I help you?
yeah there's been a car accident just outside my house 
can you tell me where you are located ?
I live at 14:11 tree Avenue a car just turned over 
can you tell me what happened?
yeah this car comes around the turn to fast, doesn't stop in time, it's a street sign and then flips over
 are there any other cars involved ?
No, just this one
has anyone come out of the car?
no no one's come out, I can't see inside the car, should I go check?
 no stay where you are
helpful will be there shortly, can I have your name? 
 yeah it's been sullivan 
thank you mr. Sullivan. just wait until an officer arrives

Substitution Drills:
1. is that all?
=> is that it?
=> is that everything?
=>  is there anything else?

2.  your total comes to $17.80
=>  your amount comes to 1780
=>  your bill comes to $17.80 
=> your charge comes to 1780

3. how long will it take?
=> how much time will it take ?
=> when will it get here ?
=> when should I expect it ?

4. I just called to see if you wanted to come over for dinner this Saturday night 
=> I just called to ask if you wanted to come over for dinner this Saturday night 
=> i just call to find out if you wanted to come over for dinner this Saturday night
=> i just called to know if you wanted to come over for dinner this Saturday night

5. I'm just having a few students over for dinner since it's the end of the year
=> I'm just bringing a few students over for dinner since it's the end of the year
=> I'm just inviting a few students over for dinner since it's the end of the year 
=> I'm just getting a few students over for dinner since it's the end of the year

6. come here around seven o'clock 
=> come here at roughly seven o'clock
=> come here at approximately seven o'clock 
=> come here at about seven o'clock seven 

7. I just thought I called to see how you're doing
=>  I just thought I called to see how you're feeling
=>I just thought I called to see how things are ?
=> I just thought I called to see how it's going 

8. I'm doing ok but I can't talk long right now 
=> I'm doing ok but I can't talk much right now 
=> I'm doing ok but I can't talk at all right now
=> I'm doing ok but I can't talk really right now 

9.  it's good to hear you're making friends
=>  it's good to hear your are meeting people 
=>it's good to hear you're getting to know people
=>  it's good to hear you're gaining friends 

10. it was good to hear from you 
=> it was nice to hear from you
=>  it was pleasant to hear from you
=>  it was uplifting to hear from you

11. I saw your advertisement in the paper 
=> I saw your ad in the paper 
=> I saw your notice in the paper
=>  I saw your posting in the paper 

12. how much are you asking for it 
=> how much do you want for it 
=> how much does it cost 
=> how much are you selling it for

13. can you tell me where you are located ?
=> can you tell me where you are calling from?
=> can you tell me where you are at?
=>  can you tell me where you are living?

14. I was looking for $18,000 but we can talk about that 
=> I was hoping for $18,000 but we can talk about that
=> I was asking for $18,000 but we can talk about that
=> I was wanting $18,000 but we can talk about that 

15. should I go check ?
=> should I go find out ?
=> should I go investigate?
=>  should I go look ?

many things in America can be done by telephone
 the most common service by telephone is perhaps food delivery
 a wide variety of food can be ordered by phone and delivered to the home 
there are also many other services 
people can call and have flowers delivered to someone
 they can call and have their laundry picked up and washed
 they can even call and order products they have seen on tv
 the telephone was invented in the United States and almost every house has at least one telephone inside 
the impact of the telephone on american society has been great
there are few aspects of American life that do not in some way involved making a telephone call

Nguồn video: Sưu Tầm
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A: I really like your shoes.
B: Thank you!
A: Where did you buy them?
B: I bought them at a store in the mall.
A: Were they very expensive?
B: They were around $40.
A: They look very comfortable.
B: They are extremely comfortable.
A: Do they come in many other colors?
B: I saw several different ones when I bought them.
A: Maybe I'll buy myself a pair.
B: They are definitely worth the money.

2.Phân biệt :  call, phone, telephone, ring

In spoken English, it is usual to say that you call or phone someone
• He calls me almost every day.
• Phone me when you get there.
In spoken British English, it is also very usual to say that you ring someone
• Have you rung Kim yet?
It is fairly formal and not very usual in spoken English to say that you telephone someone.
!! Do not say that you 'call to' someone
• I called him (NOT called to him) to let him know.
!! There is no verb 'phone call‘
• I need to call (NOT to phone call) Monica.
You can also say that you give someone a (phone) call or, in British English, give them a ring
• Give me a call sometime.
• I think I'll give Mum a ring.
!! Do not say 'give someone a phone'.

Nguồn : Sưu Tầm
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